BuddyCamp Brighton Photos

We’re happy to share photos from BuddyCamp! The pictures in this first gallery were taken by our official event photographer, Chris Sanderson. Thank you Chris for your professionalism and for being on hand to help capture these moments.

You can find more of Chris’ work on Flickr and get in contact with him on Twitter @HiSanderson.

The pictures in this second gallery were taken by attendees and have been plucked from the #buddycamp hashtag on Twitter. Thank you to everyone for sharing on social media during the event:

Published by

Paul Wong-Gibbs

Engineering Director at Indigo Tree. Previous: Daily Telegraph (UK), Automattic, Human Made, Pragmatic. Created: BuddyPress, Achievements, WordHat (Behat). Brought up on a diet of digestive biscuits, crumpets, and tea, Paul likes spending his spare time exploring side project ideas that don't end up going anywhere, playing video and board games, and eating ramen. Away from the screen, he enjoys reading, gardening, and dreams fondly of luxury travel. You can also say hello at paul.wong-gibbs@indigotree.co.uk, on Twitter as @pgibbs, or on Github at https://github.com/paulgibbs.

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