Tammie Lister

Tammie Lister

Tammie Lister is a theme wrangler at Automattic. She’s lucky enough to spend her days in the world of themes. This means, she gets to not only work on WordPress.com with themes, but also as part of the theme review team for WordPress.org. Before Automattic she focused on creating BuddyPress themes and wrote a book on BuddyPress theme development. When not themeing, she likes to spend time with her husband and two dogs around the beach they live by. She likes to balance the time spent online with offline crafts, yoga and photography.


Published by

Paul Wong-Gibbs

Engineering Director at Indigo Tree. Previous: Daily Telegraph (UK), Automattic, Human Made, Pragmatic. Created: BuddyPress, Achievements, WordHat (Behat). Brought up on a diet of digestive biscuits, crumpets, and tea, Paul likes spending his spare time exploring side project ideas that don't end up going anywhere, playing video and board games, and eating ramen. Away from the screen, he enjoys reading, gardening, and dreams fondly of luxury travel. You can also say hello at paul.wong-gibbs@indigotree.co.uk, on Twitter as @pgibbs, or on Github at https://github.com/paulgibbs.